Final Post





 Man and Technology

Technology has both positive and negative consequences in our lives today, but if I had to argue one side, I would stand firmly on the side of technology.  Perhaps that's because I grew up at a time when technology was everywhere, and we are obviously the height of man's technological prowess. I grew up with computers, television, and the internet, and space exploration, and air travel, and nuclear weapons. I grew up thinking these things have always been here on Earth. They were here when I arrived, so they must have been here forever! For me, it's completely normal to jump on a video game and log into a voice chat application and then work together with my friends from Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, and Africa inside the video game, in real-time to compete against teams from all over the globe.

I enjoyed and was entertained by all the videos.  I liked the optimistic outlook of the video  about the World's Fair in 1964, although we know many of those things have not yet come true, and may never come into existence.  The things that were predicted in that video didn't happen as predicted, but I would argue man and technology has come a long way since 1964.  No, we don't have roads and hotels at the bottom of the ocean, as the ocean still remains one of those places that man hasn't really explored, but technology has had some very positive effects on mankind.  Technology has made the world a much smaller place, and allowed information to flow to nearly every corner of the Earth in the blink of an eye. Technology has helped mankind in the field of medicine, helping us learn more about disease and sickness and how to care for ourselves. Technology has made it easier to farm and grow crops and more possible to feed everyone in the world. Technology has made the world smaller by making air travel more accessible to all.

Of course the Moby video was very powerful in illustrating how all this technology and our dependency upon cell phones and computers and social media can be extremely isolating and terrible for humankind and our social interactions.  I firmly acknowledge that there are some very negative "unintended consequences" of technology, but I also firmly believe that the good outweighs the bad.


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