The Founding Era


Supreme Court

1. What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?

  • I learned that the Supreme Court has 8 associate justices and one chief justice. I also did not know what the "Rule of Four" was. The "Rule of Four" is the custom that the Supreme Court uses to determine which cases they are going to hear. I was also not aware that the Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. There are three branches in the U.S. Government. Those three branches consist of the legislative branch that writes the laws, the executive branch that enforces the laws, and then the judicial branch that interprets the laws and decides if they are constitutional.  It's interesting to know that when summer comes, is when the Supreme Court has to make the biggest decisions. 

2. What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?
  • The most important take-away point about the Supreme Court is that it holds as much power as the legislative, executive, and judicial branch. The ability for the Supreme Court to play an essential role in ensuring that each branch of government recognizes the limits of its own power is extremely important. The Supreme Court also protects civil rights and liberties by striking down laws that violate the constitution.

3. What is the most surprising thing you learned?
  • The most surprising thing I learned about the Supreme Court is that there is no official qualification for becoming a Supreme Court justice. I know to be president you have to be a citizen, be 35 years old, and have some residency requirements.  Although to join the nation's highest court, there is no official qualification. That's crazy to me!

4. How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?
  • Originally I thought the Supreme Court involved a lot of debating and tension between all the people. The video changed the way I thought of the Supreme Court by confirming that it's just like anything else. One person said that at first "being appointed to the Supreme Court is a kin to being struck by lightning." At first it will be rough, but throughout time it will become easier.


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