About Me

About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Christopher Cain. I am from Malibu, CA.  I am a Junior at High Point University. I am currently double majoring in Philosophy and Video Game Design and minoring in History. In my studies at HPU, I am focusing on learning how to create video games. I grew up playing video games my whole life. I can safely say I am very passionate about playing and creating video games. Outside of class, I like to focus on Jiu-Jitsu. I love to fight. I love competing and I love the life lessons you learn from competing. I also love spending time with my girlfriend. She is amazing and I consider her my best friend.  After my stay here at High Point University, I hope I find a job I like and am able to influence the world in a positive way.  One thing I am really looking forward to after attending High Point University is buying myself a house.  I will not lie, I like my space.


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