Five Top Sources of News and Information

 Five Top Sources of News and Information

Social Media

Social Media is a way the world can interact with others digitally. People can communicate with each other, post their achievements, and even post what they are doing in real time. Most young people get their news and information from social media.  Social media can be very harsh at times because everyone seems to be a critic. I would recommend being careful before one sends out any piece of information about oneself, or another person. When you comment, post, like, or even follow on someone's account, chances are other people will see that instantaneously.  Some people are completely obsessed with social media and have become addicted. They cannot imagine life without it. Social media has influenced this world in a way it has never been influenced before. So be careful, pay attention, have fun, and interact with the world!


Instagram has to be my favorite source of news and information.  Whenever I am done with work, or a workout and want to figure out what my friends are doing, I log on. Sometimes I go on my Instagram just to see what everyone is up to. Personally, I don't post much on Instagram.  It requires too much energy for me.  I always have stuff going on in my life. Sometimes I broadcast what I am doing. Most of the time I do not. I'm always on the move. There's never a time where I am stuck doing nothing.  I've had Instagram for many years now, even before they changed their logo to this current one. I trust this social media application, as it has been beneficial for my life. In fact, I wouldn't have met my girlfriend if it wasn't for Instagram. What I love to do most on Instagram, is browse through the explore page and see what the world posts. There is a lot. Sometimes the information is overwhelming.  What I find interesting is that every time I go on Instagram, I learn something new. A new piece of information I would have never been exposed to if it were not for a little post that someone sent out to the world. It's like a lifehack. Things like lifehacks, funny videos, updates with what my friends are doing, make Instagram enjoyable. I totally recommend Instagram for anyone who wants to stay updated and informed with what's going on in the world and with their friends. 


Snapchat is my second favorite source of news and information. I use this application mainly to figure out what cool new filters are being used, and to keep up with my friends.  I normally get all my party and hangout invites through this application. The friends I have, and new friends I am making, do not necessarily like texting. They prefer using Snapchat, because the messages disappear after a while.  In this digital age lots of people don't want to have a large digital footprint, and if that's the case for you, this is your application!  

Fox News

Fox News would most likely be my third favorite source of news and information. It is a 24 hour cable news outlet. I personally don't like to talk about politics, but I like to be informed. If I can avoid politics in my everyday life, then I'm happy. I think it's important to stay informed about current events, and even though most news outlets are full of opinion, an informed viewer is able to tell the difference between fact and fiction. Fox News will always keep the viewer informed about current events and inject their conservative bias. I recommend Fox News to anyone who enjoys news, and opinion stories, regardless of political affiliation. Plus my dad works there a lot. 


Youtube is my favorite video application source of news and information.  If someone wants to see a funny video, movie, song, joke, tutorial, chances are Youtube will already have it posted.  Users can view videos on virtually any subject one can imagine, from silly dances to cute animals. Users can also subscribe to different channels that match their interests. I recommend this to people who may not love to read but enjoy learning things visually. 


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